Saturday, September 11, 2010

A little crying never hurt anyone, but a lot will give you a headache!

I guess the latest info you guys have is that my kids are super cute and that I had surgery (I'm basing this on the fact that that was my status not so long ago and we are all basically Facebook addicts). Let me update you on both counts.

First, the ear. It's fine now... I'm continuing to put cream on it and monitor my body for any other concubines that might decide to take up residence, but I'm praying that this latest course of antibiotics has cured me for good. I should hope so, because these ones tasted disgusting! I had a horrible taste in my mouth for the entire week, no matter how often I brushed my teeth or how much water I drank. Oh well, doesn't matter now, it's in the past (thanks to Rafiki for teaching me such a valuable lesson).

Onto the kids... they are still very cute. However, they are also huge babies!! I understand crying a little bit when your mom or dad leaves you in the care of a total stranger and you are a scared 4 year-old and that is exactly what most of my kids do - shed a few tears at the departure of their parents, then promptly get distracted by the many toys that have been sprawled across the floor for them to play with. Philipp, on the other hand, is a special case. On Monday, Philipp cried all day. On Tuesday, Philipp cried all day. On Wednesday, Philipp cried all day. On Thursday, Philipp only cried for 90% of the day. On Friday, Philipp cried for 85% of the day.

First of all, let me just say that I am seriously impressed at Philipp's endurance. If I cried for that long, I would fall asleep standing up, because my eyes would be burning so badly. Not Philipp. He just goes on and on and on and on. Second, I feel it is important to point out that Philipp has quite a set of lungs on him. If he were a silent sobber, I wouldn't mind so much... but he's not. He sits in class and he wails: "German German German... mein Papaaaaaaaaa... German German German... mein schweeeeeeester!" There is nothing anyone can do to calm him down and, while I'm pretty resistant to sob-induce headaches, Friday afternoon was definitely an Advil moment. One can only put up with that horrid sound for so long. Hopefully, next week will be better, but I'm not holding my breath... I feel like I am facing quite an uphill battle with this kid.

Anyway, other than the crying and the fact that none of my kids really understand a word I am saying, I have a pretty sweet job. I really only have to plan for two, fifteen minute "educational activities" per day. The rest involves eating, playing, eating, sleeping, playing, eating, and playing. All that play/rest time gives me plenty of time to prepare materials or lessons for the coming days and gives me time to prepare little extras for the kids, like class books or videos of the Teddy Bear Sleepover, which was basically my favourite moment of all time.

Other than school, my life has been pretty boring lately. Everyone has been really exhausted with all the first days excitement, so opportunities for going out have been scarce. We did go out drinking for Shelby's birthday last weekend, which was fun. The only problem was that all my clothes (including my bra!) reeked of smoke when we got in... which means I had to do laundry... with no drier... so sad :(

Next Wednesday is a National Holiday in Slovakia so we are thinking of going to spend the day in Vienna, just to be crazy and exciting. Maybe then I will have a slightly more interesting blog to write... we'll see!

That's all for now!

Steph :)

P.S. Rob bought me Habs tickets today for when I'm home at Christmas. Made my day, it did. Made my day.


  1. Concubine does not mean what you think it means...

  2. Just so's you know, you did have the ability to cry that long when you were a baby (albeit less than four)and it did put you to sleep.... much to the relief of everyone around you! I guess that kind of makes you soul mates, so you should have no problem winning him over :)

    Have fun little-miss-I-think-I'll-spend-the-day-in-Vienna-just-because-I-can! La-de-daaah!

  3. Stupid Germans.

    - Ray
